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Causes Bruising

Causes Bruising

A bruise is a collection of blood due to broken blood vessels underneath the skin usually caused by trauma. It causes discoloration and swelling in the area. Bruises often induce pain but are not normally dangerous as most bruises vanish in 2 weeks time.
Sometimes bruises can be serious, leading to other more life threatening forms of hematoma, or can be associated with serious injuries, including fractures and internal bleeding.

If you experience any of the following you should see your doctor immediately as they may indicate serious underlying illness:  

  •     If you have large painful bruises for unknown reason.
  •     Bruise easily.
  •     Experience abnormal bleeding.
  •     Notice blood in the eyes, urine or stool.

Self-care for bruises:

To heal bruises you need to elevate the injured area. Apply ice or a cold pack on the bruise several times a day for a couple of days but make sure not to apply the ice directly. Rest the bruised area if needed and use acetaminophen such as Tylenol to relieve the pain.