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Heatstroke is the most severe heat illness as it could be life threatening. It is a dangerous condition...
قد يؤدي تعرض شخص ما لمواد مثيرة للحساسية إلى إصابته بحساسية مفرطة قد تتطور إلى ضيق في التنفس...
What to do if someone gets bitten by an animal? If it is a...
Bleeding beneath the skin around the eye is called black eye. Most black eyes are fairly minor injuries...
A bruise is a collection of blood due to broken blood vessels underneath the skin usually caused by...
Frostbite takes place when skin and underlying tissues (mostly in hands, feet, nose and ears) freeze after getting...
Some trauma to the head may be mild like slight bumps from minor falls in young children and...
Heat cramps often affect the muscle of the calves and arms. They typically take place when exercising heavily...
What causes shock?Some causes of shock are: trauma, heatstroke, allergic reactions, severe infection, poisoning.What are the various signs...
Before trying to stop severe bleeding, if possible, clean hands to avoid infection and put on synthetic gloves....
Nosebleeds are common and usually are not a medical problem. A nose bleed occurs when a small vein,...
What to do after a snake bite?Medical attention is needed, but first: Stay calm. ...