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Diseases »  ​First Aid »

Foreign Object in the Ear

Foreign Object in the Ear

A foreign object in the ear can be serious, resulting in hearing loss. Seek medical assistance if you cannot remove the object or the pain in the ear continues, if there is reduced hearing or a sensation of something lodged in the ear.
What to do if an object becomes lodged in the ear?

  •     Tilt the head to the affected side to dislodge the object.
  •     Don't probe the ear.
  • If possible when the object is clearly visible and can be easily grasped, use tweezers to gently remove it.
  • If the foreign object is an insect, tilt the person's head so that the affected side is upward. Try to float the insect out by pouring mineral oil or baby oil into the ear. As you pour the oil pull the earlobe gently (backward and upward for an adult, backward and downward for a child). The insect should suffocate and may float out in the oil bath. Flush it out with water.
  • Don't use oil to remove anything other than an insect or if you believe that the eardrum is punctured (pain, bleeding or discharge from the ear).