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Spandoverin 60 ( Alverine Citrate )

  • Effective Material
    Alverine Citrate 60 mg
  • Caliber
    60 mg
  • Pharmacologic Form
    - Antispasmodics
    - Muscarinic antagonist
  • Therapeutic Categories
    Gastrointestinal Drugs
  • Pharmaceutical Form
Each capsule contains 60 mg alverine citrate.
Each capsule contains 120 mg alverine citrate.
Pharmacodynamics properties
Alverine citrate is a spasmolytic which has a specific action on the smooth muscle of the alimentary tract and uterus without affecting the heart, blood vessels and tracheal muscle at therapeutic doses.
Therapeutic indications
The relief of smooth muscle spasm in conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, painful diverticular disease of the colon and primary dysmenorrhoea.
Side effect
Immune system disorders: Allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, dyspnoea
Nervous system disorders: Headache, dizziness
Gastrointestinal disorders: Nausea
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: Itching, rash
Paralytic ileus
Known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.
Intestinal obstruction
Warnings and precautions
See your doctor as soon as possible if:
- you have passed blood from the bowel
- you are feeling sick or vomiting
- you have lost your appetite or lost weight
- you are looking pale and feeling tired
- you are suffering from severe constipation
- you have a fever
- you are or may be pregnant
- you have difficulty or pain passing urine.
Pregnancy and lactation
Although no teratogenic effects have been reported, use during pregnancy or lactation is not recommended.
Drug interactions
None stated.
Dosage and Method of administration
Adults (including the elderly): 1 capsule one to three times daily.
Children below the age of 12 years: Not recommended.
Can produce hypotension and atropine-like toxic effects. Management is as for atropine poisoning with supportive therapy for hypotension.